Email the PM

Prime Minister Harper,

If each Canadian family was given a one hectare piece of their native land, for a lifetime of use as they please and to leave to their children after they passed, each family would not only be able to sustain themselves, they could also donate their surplus and live in abundance. We could eliminate unemployment, and instead of cramming into smog filled cities we could spread out across this vast land and create communities based on nurturing care for each other and our world.


A concerned citizen and child of God.


If you highlighted and copied the above text, then you could click here and paste it into an email to the Prime Minister. The subject would be Freedom Heart.

We have to start somewhere, and Canadian citizens have been manipulated for far too long. We need to stand up and claim our rightful place in this world, as God's children. We have been sleeping and allowed greed and control to prosper. But no more. We do not have to allow ourselves to be controlled or impoverished. None other than God himself has dominion over any of us, and the time has come to reclaim stewardship over ourselves and our world.

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